- O.J. Trojak, S. Gorsky, C. Murray, F. Sgrignuoli, F.A. Pinheiro, L. Dal Negro, L. Sapienza, Cavity-enhanced light–matter interaction in Vogel-spiral devices as a platform for quantum photonics, Applied Physics Letters 118, 011103 (2021). Selected as “Editor’s pick”. Part of the APL Special Collection on Non-Classical Light Emitters and Single-Photon Detectors.
- O.J. Trojak, S. Gorsky, F. Sgrignuoli, F.A. Pinheiro, S.-I. Park, J.D. Song, L. Dal Negro, L. Sapienza, Cavity quantum electro-dynamics with solid-state emitters in aperiodic nano-photonic spiral devices, Applied Physics Letters 117, 124006 (2020).
- O.J. Trojak, C. Woodhead, S.I. Park, J.D. Song, R.J. Young, L. Sapienza, Combined metallic nano-rings and solid-immersion lenses for bright emission from single InAs/GaAs quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters 112, 221102 (2018).
- S.I. Park, O.J. Trojak, E. Lee, J.D. Song, J. Kyhm, I. Han, J. Kim, G.-C. Yi, L. Sapienza, GaAs droplet quantum dots with nanometer-thin capping layer for plasmonic applications, Nanotechnology 29, 205602 (2018).
- O.J. Trojak, T. Crane, L. Sapienza, Optical sensing with Anderson-localised light, Applied Physics Letters 111, 141103 (2017). Selected as “Editor’s pick”.
- T. Crane, O.J. Trojak, J.P. Vasco, S. Hughes, L. Sapienza, Anderson localisation of visible light on a nanophotonic chip, ACS Photonics 4, 2274 (2017).
- O.J. Trojak, S.I. Park, J.D. Song, L. Sapienza, Metallic nanorings for broadband, enhanced extraction of light from solid-state emitters, Applied Physics Letters 111, 021109 (2017).
- J. Liu, M. Davanco, L. Sapienza, K. Konthasinghe, J.V. De Miranda Cardoso, J.D. Song, A. Badolato, K. Srinivasan, Cryogenic photoluminescence imaging system for nanoscale positioning of single quantum emitters, Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 023116 (2017).
- L. Sapienza, et al., Combined atomic force microscopy and photoluminescence imaging to select single InAs/GaAs quantum dots for quantum photonic devices, Scientific Reports 7, 6205 (2017).
- M. Davanco, J. Liu, L. Sapienza, C.-Z. Zhang, J.V. De Miranda Cardoso, V. Verma, R. Mirin, S. W. Nam, L. Liu, K. Srinivasan, Heterogeneous integration for on-chip quantum photonic circuits with single quantum dot devices, Nature Communications 8, 889 (2017).
- L. Sapienza et al., Magneto-optical spectroscopy of single charge-tunable InAs/GaAs quantum dots emitting at telecom wavelengths, Physical Review B 93, 155301 (2016).
- L. Sapienza, M. Davanco, A. Badolato, K. Srinivasan, Nanoscale optical positioning of single quantum dots for bright and pure single-photon emission, Nature Communications 6, 7833 (2015).
- I. Agha, S. Ates, L. Sapienza, K. Srinivasan, Spectral broadening and shaping of nanosecond pulses: toward shaping of single photons from quantum emitters, Optics Letters 39, 5677 (2014).
- A. Javadi, S. Maibom, L. Sapienza, H. Thyrrestrup, P.D. García, P. Lodahl, Statistical measurements of quantum emitters coupled to Anderson-localized modes in disordered photonic-crystal waveguides, Optics Express 22, 30992 (2014).
- L. Sapienza et al., Exciton fine-structure splitting of telecom wavelength single quantum dots: statistics and external strain tuning, Physical Review B 88, 155330 (2013).
- H. Thyrrestrup, S. Smolka, L. Sapienza, P. Lodahl, Statistical theory of a quantum emitter strongly coupled to Anderson-localized modes, Physical Review Letters 108, 113901 (2012).
- S. Ates, L. Sapienza, M. Davanco, A. Badolato, K. Srinivasan, Bright single photon emission from a quantum dot in a circular Bragg grating microcavity, IEEE, Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 18, 1711 (2012).
- S. Smolka, H. Thyrrestrup, L. Sapienza, T.B. Lehmann, K.R. Rix, L.S. Froufe-Perez, P.D. Garcia, P. Lodahl, Probing statistical properties of Anderson localization with quantum emitters, New Journal of Physics 13, 063044 (2011).
- H. Thyrrestrup, L. Sapienza, P. Lodahl, Extraction of the beta-factor for single quantum dots coupled to a photonic crystal waveguide, Applied Physics Letters 96, 231106 (2010).
- L. Sapienza et al., Cavity quantum electrodynamics with Anderson-localized modes, Science 327, 1352 (2010).
- P. Jouy, A. Vasanelli, Y. Todorov, L. Sapienza, R. Colombelli, U. Gennser, C. Sirtori, Intersubband electroluminescent devices operating in the strong-coupling regime, Physical Review B 82, 045322 (2010).
- L. Sapienza and D. Zerulla, Surface plasmon excitation on magneto-active materials, Physical Review B 79, 033407 (2009).
- L. Sapienza et al., Electrically injected cavity polaritons, Physical Review Letters 100, 136806 (2008).
- Y. Todorov, P. Jouy, A. Vasanelli, L. Sapienza, R. Colombelli, U. Gennser, C. Sirtori, Stark-tunable electroluminescence from cavity polariton states, Applied Physics Letters 93, 171105 (2008).
- L. Sapienza et al., Photovoltaic probe of cavity polaritons in a quantum cascade structure,
Applied Physics Letters 90, 201101 (2007) – cover story.
- L. Sapienza et al., Photovoltaic probe of cavity polaritons in a quantum cascade structure,
- P. Koskinen, L. Sapienza, M. Manninen, Tight-binding model for spontaneous magnetism of quantum dot lattices, Physica Scripta 68, 74 (2003).